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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Fresh Approaches To Creating Content Your Customers Want

Content creation is an important aspect of your marketing strategy. Ever seen a brand publish content that’s simply there to take up space on their website or promotional materials? Their customers could also tell that the brand was just going through the motions of content creation. To engage your customers and keep them coming back, you’ll need to offer meaningful content that’s relevant to their lives.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Do I Really Need To Be On Every Social Media Platform?

Most business owners know that having a brand presence on social media is not optional. If you want to stay competitive and run a successful business, you need to actively engage with a variety of social media platforms. However, many business owners get overwhelmed by the idea of engaging on every platform out there. New social media sites and apps launch all the time. How is one company supposed to keep up with every social media platform out there?

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

How To Create Your Brand Strategy

You’re passionate about your brand, because you know you have something unique and valuable to offer your customers. But how do you establish your brand’s market presence? Without careful, strategic planning on your part, your potential customers might never know what they’re missing. Even if your business is currently successful, you need a brand strategy to keep that success going. Otherwise, your brand won’t grow, and it will likely become stagnant over time.

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