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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

What Are “Platforms” and Which Ones Should My Businesses Use?

Adapting to change is essential for entrepreneurs and organizations in today's ultra-connected world. Social media was a relatively new concept two decades ago, but now, it is a fundamental pillar for business growth. Social media platforms are online spaces that are the lifeblood of creating, sharing, and interacting content among users. They allow individuals and businesses to connect, communicate, and engage with a wide audience through various formats, such as text, images, and videos.

In today's social media-obsessed world, running a successful business without an online presence is nearly unfathomable. In this blog, we will explore critical social media platforms and their benefits for business growth, along with tips for knowing which platform to use to maximize your business’s success and reach.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

The Illusion of Popularity: Why Buying Likes for Social Media Content Will Sabotage Your Brand

In the fast-paced world of social media, the number of likes on a post or the follower count can seem like the measure of success but likes and followers don't necessarily determine your brand's ultimate success online. In the heat of the moment, it can be easy to fall prey to buying likes and followers to boost your online presence and make your audience believe your content is more popular than it is. While this may seem like a good idea at face value, it can negatively affect you and your brand's credibility and long-term success on social media. Here, we'll discuss three key reasons you should NOT buy likes and followers for your social media platforms.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

How Many Times A Week Should Your Business Post To Social Media?

Social media engagement is an important part of almost all successful marketing strategies. When done correctly, posting to social media drives brand awareness, engages your customers, and boosts your sales. But is it possible to have too much of a good thing? The answer is most definitely yes.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Facebook Engagement Is Down. Is It Time To Start A Group?

So your Facebook engagement is down, and you’re starting to worry. Maybe it’s time to start a Facebook group to regain your momentum. However, for this strategy to work, you’ll need to put significant effort into maintaining your Facebook group. Will the payoff be worth the cost? The pros at Personalized Creative would give it to you straight: there’s no simple answer to this question. Are you wondering whether a Facebook group is the right answer to your engagement slump? Let’s take a look at a few questions you should consider before taking the plunge.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Are You Really Going To Go Viral On TikTok?

If you’re marketing to millennials or Gen Z, you should probably have a presence on TikTok. The average age of a TikTok user is between 18 and 34, so it’s the perfect space to reach a younger audience. Many businesses haven’t gotten established on TikTok yet, and you can use this to your advantage. At Personalized Creative, we’ve successfully used TikTok to enhance our client’s overall marketing strategies.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

How To Grow Organically On Social Media

If you’re marketing your brand on social media, your goal should be to generate something called “organic growth.” What exactly does this term mean? To start, it can be helpful to think about organic versus non-organic vegetables. Non-organic vegetables have human-made ingredients or processes involved in the growing process. On the other hand, organic vegetables are grown without these additional ingredients. It still takes work to grow organic vegetables, but it doesn’t involve adding “artificial” elements.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Why Analytics Are Your Best Friend In Digital Marketing

Your digital marketing campaign is one of the most important elements in your overall business plan. A strong digital marketing strategy can help you find customers where they are, build value and name recognition for your brand, and set you apart from your competition. However, without digging into analytics, you won’t be able to harness the full potential of digital marketing. Analytics can guide every aspect of your digital campaign, taking it to the next level. In fact, without analytics, it’s hard to measure whether your efforts are even making a difference.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Fresh Approaches To Creating Content Your Customers Want

Content creation is an important aspect of your marketing strategy. Ever seen a brand publish content that’s simply there to take up space on their website or promotional materials? Their customers could also tell that the brand was just going through the motions of content creation. To engage your customers and keep them coming back, you’ll need to offer meaningful content that’s relevant to their lives.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Do I Really Need To Be On Every Social Media Platform?

Most business owners know that having a brand presence on social media is not optional. If you want to stay competitive and run a successful business, you need to actively engage with a variety of social media platforms. However, many business owners get overwhelmed by the idea of engaging on every platform out there. New social media sites and apps launch all the time. How is one company supposed to keep up with every social media platform out there?

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

How To Stay On Top of Current Marketing Trends

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just pick one winning marketing strategy and stick with it? Unfortunately, things just don’t work that way. The market is constantly changing, and if you don’t stay on top of current trends, you risk being overtaken by your competitors. Your time is valuable, so you need to understand current marketing trends without researching all day. How can you effectively track what’s going on in your industry? This article covers a few of the strategies you can use for maximum efficiency.

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