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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Are You Considering Your Target Buyers At Every Step? You Should Be!

At Personalized Creative, we understand that every business is unique. That means every group of target buyers is unique, too! In today’s highly competitive landscape, it’s important to have a deep understanding of who your buyers are. But what should you do with this understanding? Of course, you should design your products and services to appeal to your target buyers.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

Facebook Engagement Is Down. Is It Time To Start A Group?

So your Facebook engagement is down, and you’re starting to worry. Maybe it’s time to start a Facebook group to regain your momentum. However, for this strategy to work, you’ll need to put significant effort into maintaining your Facebook group. Will the payoff be worth the cost? The pros at Personalized Creative would give it to you straight: there’s no simple answer to this question. Are you wondering whether a Facebook group is the right answer to your engagement slump? Let’s take a look at a few questions you should consider before taking the plunge.

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Sarah Bell Sarah Bell

How To Grow Organically On Social Media

If you’re marketing your brand on social media, your goal should be to generate something called “organic growth.” What exactly does this term mean? To start, it can be helpful to think about organic versus non-organic vegetables. Non-organic vegetables have human-made ingredients or processes involved in the growing process. On the other hand, organic vegetables are grown without these additional ingredients. It still takes work to grow organic vegetables, but it doesn’t involve adding “artificial” elements.

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