There's No Quick Fix - It Takes Consistently Showing Up, Engaging, and Allowing Your Analytics to Inform You on What Your Audience Does & Does Not Want to See

At Personalized Creative, we work hard to help our clients take their marketing game to the next level. But sometimes, we hear from business owners who are looking for a “quick fix” to their marketing problems. Often, after a period of success, things start to change. Social media followers begin to drop off, conversion rates are down, and profits start to plummet. When this happens, it can be hard to pinpoint a reason. Unfortunately, there’s no “quick fix” that can guarantee success. The only way to turn things around is to put in the hard work required.

So, how do you start the process of reversing your decline? In this article, we’ll take a look at a few key principles you’ll need to apply.

Fix #1: Show Up Consistently

What does it mean to show up consistently? It means you’re constantly getting your name and message in front of potential customers and attracting their attention. Some business owners are just too busy to show up consistently, so they take an “if I have time for it” approach to digital marketing. They might type out a Facebook post, blog article, or marketing email if they have time, but there’s no consistent schedule or plan. 

Unfortunately, consistency really is the name of the game when it comes to digital marketing, so these sporadic efforts aren’t likely to get great results. Developing a recognizable online presence and teaching your audience what to expect from your brand takes time. One of the oldest rules of thumb in marketing is the “rule of 7,” which states that most prospective buyers will be exposed to your brand at least 7 times before they actually buy anything. This might not be a hard and fast rule. However, it reflects the reality that most people will only buy from your brand once it’s become a familiar feature in their world. The Personalized Creative professionals can not only develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan for your brand – we can also help you implement it.

Fix #2: Engage Sincerely

To develop a friendship, you have to communicate consistently, and the communication must go both ways. The same is true of the relationship you’re trying to develop with your potential customers. You initiate communication with them through your digital marketing efforts. However, when potential customers respond to your blog posts, emails, social media posts, or feedback forms, you have a choice to make. Are you going to let the conversation die, or are you going to keep the ball rolling?

Taking time to respond to complaints and compliments in your brand’s Facebook comments is not easy. Personally reaching out when customers email your brand can be exhausting. The Personalized Creative team can help you manage these challenges and create a deeper relationship with your audience. One added benefit to sincere engagement with customers, it’s a good look for your brand. New potential customers will see you engaging with existing customers via social media comments, YouTube shoutouts, and more. They’ll begin to trust you more since they see you as a brand that really cares about its community.

Fix #3: Dive Into Your Data

You pay a lot for digital advertising. Do you know exactly what generates clicks and what doesn’t? Do you know how to get potential customers to linger on your product pages? How about which blog posts and emails are resonating with your audience? How many shares your social media posts are getting? Do you know how easy your online checkout process is, and how many people get distracted and give up before completing a purchase? Without digging into analytics, you’ll only be able to guess at the answers to these questions.

Conversion rates, email open rates, bounce rates, and site traffic are just a few of the metrics you should be tracking regularly. Being proactive about analyzing your data can help you anticipate a downturn before it happens. That way, you can reverse course before it’s too late. Don’t worry- the Personalized Creative team has the tools and expertise to help you navigate the complex world of digital marketing analytics.

There’s No Quick Fix, But Personalized Creative Is Here To Help!

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