How to Use and Not Use ChatGPT in Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and it’s going to impact our future in some pretty amazing ways! In addition to changing the way we learn, work, and play, AI can make our creative tasks easier – including digital marketing.

With tech like ChatGPT at your fingertips, you might be wondering how much of your day-to-day work AI can really handle on its own. It’s important to remember that ChatGPT is a tool. Like any other tool, there’s a right way and a wrong way to use it. At Personalized Creative, we’re excited about the possibilities that ChatGPT and similar programs can offer, but we also put quality first in everything we do. In order to become a powerful part of your digital marketing toolbox, ChatGPT needs careful oversight. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best and worst ways to use ChatGPT in digital marketing.

What is ChatGPT Good At?

What are the most promising skills ChatGPT can offer to business owners? These are a few of the most exciting possibilities to consider.

Personalized Customer Support

Ever wish you could chat with a customer service representative in the middle of the night? You’re up late anyway, so you might as well check that off your to-do list. Unfortunately, most businesses don't offer round-the-clock customer support. But did you know you can add a chatbot powered by ChatGPT to your company’s website? The AI behind ChatGPT can analyze users’ questions and responses to provide personalized, relevant answers. Unlike most other customer service chat programs, which sound wooden and robotic, ChatGPT can offer natural, conversational responses.

Marketing Insights

Gathering customer feedback and user data is important if you want to truly understand your audience. But crunching the numbers found in all that data can be overwhelming. ChatGPT can play an important role in processing customers’ comments and behavior and gaining actionable insights.

Exciting Campaign Material

Ever felt like you just couldn’t come up with anything new to say on social media? Feeling stuck when you sit down to write monthly blog posts? ChatGPT can help you generate fresh, relevant content when you need it most. Just ask for a blog title, an outline, or a list of keywords, and let your creative juices flow. It’s also great for adding interactive components to your digital campaigns. Users love polls, quizzes, and other elements that engage them on a personal level. With ChatGPT, you can generate text to power these elements in no time at all!

What is ChatGPT Not Good At?

ChatGPT is powerful but can also derail your brand image if used incorrectly. But with the right approach, you can avoid many common pitfalls when you introduce ChatGPT into your digital marketing plan. There are many things that ChatGPT simply can’t do – here are a few to keep in mind.

Pass as a Real Human

Using ChatGPT appropriately is a completely valid way to enhance your marketing strategy. But ChatGPT simply can’t pass as a human on a consistent basis. Trying to convince customers they’re interacting with a person – not an AI program – will quickly turn into a disaster. 

Fact-Check Itself

Keep in mind that AI really is artificial intelligence. It can’t catch its own mistakes, and if it’s working with incorrect data, it will generate more incorrect data. According to the Pew Research Center, over half of all information experts expect online misinformation to worsen over the next 10 years. Don’t be part of the misinformation problem – always fact-check ChatGPT when using it to provide information.

Reflect on its Own Work

ChatGPT generates its responses based on patterns in the data used to train it. Many of these responses are impressive and intelligent. But when things go wrong, they can really go wrong. ChatGPT won’t know when its statements don’t make sense in a particular context. Avoid asking open-ended questions or giving vague prompts, and you’ll avoid some of the problems. But always remember to carefully edit what ChatGPT writes – this is the only way to ensure it’s meaningful, relevant, and valuable for your readers.

ChatGPT can be trained to capture your brand’s tone and communication style, but you’ll need to do the training yourself. This can require significant time and effort. It’s also advisable to balance content generated by ChatGPT with content that’s directly written by humans. This can help to keep your brand voice authentic.

Work Smarter, Not Harder With Personalized Creative!

Incorporating AI into your digital marketing strategy doesn’t have to be confusing. When you work with Personalized Creative, you’ll have a team of professionals in your corner to answer all your questions. Give us a call today and find out how we can help!


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